Daft punk random access memories anthony fantano
Daft punk random access memories anthony fantano

daft punk random access memories anthony fantano

It remains the last time humans have been on the moon. But there's somethin’ out there.” This was the Apollo 17 mission, December 1972. “I don't know whether that does you any good. Album of the Decade 13: Daft Punk - Random Access Memories BACKGROUND 'The minimalist music has appealingly peculiar personality the duo doesn't.' Using those words to describe Daft Punk of all bands seems, well, daft. “As we look back at the Earth, it’s, uh, up at about 11 o’clock, about, uh, well, maybe 10 or 12 diameters,” the sampled voice of astronaut Eugene Cernan says on “Contact”. There was joy in it, but there was melancholy, too: Here was a world seen through the rear-view, beautiful in part because you couldn’t quite go back to it. “Get Lucky” and “Lose Yourself to Dance”-spotlights both for Pharrell and the pioneering work of Chic’s Nile Rodgers-recaptured the innocence of early disco and invited their audience to do the same. “Touch” was “All You Need Is Love” for the alienation of a post-Space Odyssey universe “Give Life Back to Music” wasn’t just there to set the scene, it was a command-just think of all the joy music has brought you.

daft punk random access memories anthony fantano

Daft Punks Random Access Memories era was filled with a ton of cool and. The concept, as much as the album had one, was to suggest that as great as our frictionless digital world may be, there was a sense of adventurousness and connection to the spirit of the ’70s that, if not lost, had at least been subdued. Collection of Anthony Fantano videos that Daft Punk is mentioned in (or their. The theatricality that had alway been part of their stage show and presentation found its musical outlet (“Giorgio by Moroder”, the Paul Williams feature “Touch”), and the soft-rock panache they started playing with on 2001’s Discovery got a fuller, more earnest treatment (“Within”, the Julian Casablancas feature “Instant Crush”, the I-can’t-believe-it’s-not-The Doobie Brothers moves of “Fragments of Time”). So while the live-band-driven sound of 2013’s Random Access Memories was a curveball, it was also a logical next step. But it also marked Daft Punk as a group with a strong, dynamic relationship to the past whose music served an almost dialogic function: They weren’t just expressing themselves, they were talking to their inspirations-a conversation that spanned countries, decades, styles and technological revolutions. Within the context of 1997’s Homework, “Teachers” presented the group as bright kids ready to absorb the lessons of those who came before them. PERFORMER 'Daft Punk' TITLE 'Random Access Memories' FILE '01 - Give Life Back to Music.wav' WAVE TRACK 01 AUDIO TITLE 'Give Life Back to Music' PERFORMER 'Daft Punk' INDEX 01 00:00:00 FILE '02 - The Game of Love. There is an early Daft Punk track named “Teachers” that, effectively, served as a roll call for the French duo’s influences: Paul Johnson, DJ Funk, DJ Sneak. Ltd For Sale Discogs WebWU LYF Skeleton Tree Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Lazaretto Jack White (2) Random Access Memories Daft Punk Trouble Will Find Me.

Daft punk random access memories anthony fantano